Just as well the old VSI hasn't thrown the towel in yet. Where do I download it? Perhaps my complex file name for it was the problem. Thanks for your thoughts on this, guys. Perhaps there is someone out there, who reads this forum occasionally, who has access to a later OEM version of the software and can create a new. You could try downloading the parameters and saving the PAR file with the Dealer version pgdt software

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How do I do it? PRG files created by ver That's why an early version of the software, written prior to the design and manufacture of the hardware, doesn't recognise the hardware and can't be made to recognise the hardware by the provision of an external file from a later softwwre of the software.

Random XLR from my parts stash Driver: PRG created by ver 8 in ver 8 and redo the whole process. TAG file over from ver I copied the New VSI. If the Dealer version of the programmer saves ALL the parameters Thanks for the idea Woody, and thanks for continuing to think about the problem.

pgdt software

The problem I have is this: Try copying across the TAG file from a recent version e. It's just that ver 8.

The error message is: I'll need OEM or Engineering. And the TAG file is recorded the same way. I've tried putting an 8. But I'm sure that's no surprise to anyone.

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Same error message as ver I've tried putting it on the system drive, and that made no difference either. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I had already investigated that possibility though. Users browsing this forum: Just as well the old VSI hasn't thrown the towel in yet.

If so, would it work to manually edit the file and upload it? One of the nice things about the Remote Service Centre website, by the way, is that it allows you to get the PGDT name and PGDT part numbers for most things you might want including cablesso you can sound like you know what you're talking about when you email a PGDT agent and ask for a quote for a specific item, by also quoting the part number for it.

PGDT PC Software OEM

Only one way to find out - and that's to test it, which I plan to do later this week if I get the chance. There's still some lag, but it's much, much better. Unfortunately New VSI did not show up on the new file template list.

pgdt software

Return to Everything Powerchair. And if I ever decide that something needs editing, edit that original. TAG files as it's table of available templates when it is in creation mode.


Controller type of current file: Some logic to prevent you from getting sideways, I think. I've got a Pride Jazzy that I totally rebuilt after the previous owner wrote it off as not financially justifiable to maintain any longer, and with which I am very happy, NOW that I have reprogrammed it using Mobility PC Programmer ver 8. If so, and you can reverse engineer the spreadsheet, then you almost don't need the programmer


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